Could Francis Bacon create clone of Melvyn Bragg….?

Feb 22, 2012 | | 0 comments

I have a South Bank show on DVD.

It was filmed in the mid 80s. The painter Francis Bacon was interviewed by Melvyn Bragg. The interviews took place at Tate Britain, in Bacon’s studio, in a restaurant and in a gambling club in Soho. In the restaurant he was drinking some wine and became drunk and his speech started to slur. But he said a very interesting thing to Melvyn Bragg.

” I’m a painter so how can I re-create you”..

I thought his art was expression not re-creation.
For me “re-creation” pronounced by him was quite surprising as I’ve always thought his painting was expression of some kind of twisted or chaotic emotion of his.
Then I thought that he expressed what his art is about really nicely.

I assume expression is always related to re-creating some kind of form or matter. Even abstract art comes out of something which needs some kind of subject matter which the artist can rely on.
I realised writing songs for me is re-creating chaos in my head….

But one thing which I want to mention is re-creation always has to face some kind of limitations.

For Bacon using paint. For me using sound.
If there are no limitations…..
What could he re-create……?

Maybe…Bacon could create clone of Melvyn Bragg….?

O-ARC / Masa

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