Free from money in The City

Jan 22, 2012 | | 0 comments

The other day I went to Caffe Nero at Piccadilly to have a coffee and to do some writing. When I got there I realised that I forgot to bring my wallet. My bus journey about one hour from home was just wasted. So I needed to go back home, which took another about 45 minute-bus journey(less traffic by the way on return). I thought it was an awful morning to start with. I couldn’t even buy a cup of coffee. But then a strange feeling kicked in……I felt a load lift off.


But not having any money with me gave a sense of freedom.

Why?…. I think usually my activity is quite restricted depending on how much I have in my wallet (yeah I have a bank card) but..
that’s not the point. I think carrying money gives some kind of pressure….not to lose a wallet, wallet not to be stolen or to think about financial situation etc. This shows that I’m aware of money related things when I have money with me all the time even I don’t consciously think about it. Mmmmm that’s quite dreadful.
But that morning I didn’t have money so I was totally free from all these.

Soon I should just put sandwiches, a bottle of water, a book. and a bus pass in my bag and get on a bus to explore London. Even I will go to The City.( The City is a financial district in London) Maybe I may suggest new way of living to Bankers. Mmmmm newism after capitalism?

O-ARC / Masa

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